This blog is about a different perspective of life, since anyone in anywhere have their own insight, thoughts, experience, so do opinions. i'd like to chain sum of mine together and share them with U...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The best lesson mite come from the worst situation...

the title mite sounds cliche but i guess, thats the truth (arent we the one who create our perception of "Truth"?)well, at least it works on my case...

It has been a couple of month i've been thinkin about our relationship, and it has been a couple of month also i cant find out what my heart exactly whisper to me.
i have said nothing to anyone becoz i don't know what i want exactly! until i found out today...

things wasnt' planned at all, they were just flowin like a water, we seemed fine, and i bet everyone will say so. but there is an "idealism" side of me that says "I have to end it" it wasnt anyone faults but maybe we both still learn how to grow up and find our "true self"

Relationship isn't something that is very easy to build. even when u know that the lover u are with is someone adorable and loves u for the way u are.
yet, when it comes to sumthing fundamental, something u've been hold in your life or something that your heart been whisperin time to time. relationship even harder to maintain

My decision isn't for anyone or becoz of anyone, this is all taken for our sake. for him, for me, for the best part of me.
people don't know anything, they only see what it seems like. I guess, we know better what we should take. even when it hurts, life still goes on.

He can't never be replaced by anyone. he belongs to one corner of my heart. i guess he will always be (omg i'm cryin again). what we're passing now, is just another process to be grow up. and maybe this is the best way for us to grow...

Quotes of the day

A DESIRE leads to CHOICES, which leads to COMMITMENT

A MUST leads to DECISION, which leads to SACRIFICATION

So, which perspectives would like to take when U faced into certain situation?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

How do u see life?

Life is all about balance. Darkness can't be
without light, and light can't be without
darkness. You see everything through different
angeles to gain perspective over situations.
You act rather rational and people can find you
stiff and/or emotionless due to this. Life is
not really that good to you, yet it's not so
bad. Like everything else, you need to balance
it in order to find peace.

How do you see life?
brought to you by Quizilla

what is your blog's type?

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical
You blog like no one else is reading...
You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.
Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.
But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Just thoughts

As time passes by, we've never realize what happen to us in just few years if we've never look back to the past. i mean look at us now! and look at us few years ago!
we're not just flipped like this , infact, we are part of the past! we are part of our history!
how we've become like this now is as a result from the past!. we always make somethin everyday and someday we'll get all the consequences.

I think we should be more careful to this natural law. and who says life is easy? as we get older, life is never been easy. we get maturer, things get more complicated and the barriers just get harder.
even when it comes to LOVE, things that we used to consider as unimportant have suddenly become so much "must-considered" and important! and maybe sumtimes love just aint enough for such circumstances. yet, still we can't live without it

I think, without the experience to love we could never learn and grown up and without no commitment towards anything, we'll never feel anything worthy
I guess, I have to learn much about "what is sincerity, generousity and LOVE itself"

There are many people out there seek for LOVE, wishing that someday LOVE will come to their life. but, sumetimes i'm questioning. Havent they realize? That LOVE actually comes from their heart. I mean, It is already there! placed forever in their heart.

Cinta memerlukan suatu ketulusan dan kesabaran... karena pada akhirnya hanya sebuah cinta yang suci yang akan menang. Sepertinya Gue harus belajar byk tentang sebuah ketulusan dan keikhlasan. Karena cuma itu kunci dari sebuah kebahagiaan dan cuma itu jalan untuk menghadapi dunia yang terkadang sulit.
Cinta sebenernya adalah Hakekat dari sebuah kasih sayang, ketulusan, dan keikhlasan
Lust, is another different thing.

Terkadang Tuhan memang tidak selalu memberikan apa yang kita inginkan, tetapi Gue yakin Tuhan selalu memberikan apa yang kita butuhkan, agar kita selalu belajar untuk menjadi lebih kuat. Cinta adalah bagian dari diri kita and In the end, The past is just something that we must learn from.

Monday, July 18, 2005


I just came from Citos. and I watched a movie "Gie"
It was a great great great movie! two thumbs up! cool! whatever u name it...

this is the third time i feel satified to watch an Indonesian movie, after "Arisan" and "Ada apa dengan cinta"
Gue gak bisa compare tentang mana yang lebih bagus, setiap film yang gue angap bagus punya kesan sendiri2 tentunya. ada beberapa hal yang gue pengen bahas ttg "Gie" dan kenapa gue suka bgt

1. Baru pertama kali ada film Indonesia yang mampu memnceritakan kisah sejarah dengan sangat menarik sehingga film ini bisa diterima dan disukai oleh banyak kalangan anak muda. (bukan cuma orang2 tua aja).

2. Ini film intelek dan mendidik bgt, banyak pesan2 moral yg bisa diambil deh not like other CRAP teenagers movies yg sekarang2 ini lagi byk ngetrend... (gak usah disebutin deh) fu*k them!

3. Film ini menggambarkan realita2 yang ada bahwa sejarah sebenernya emang terulang lagi dan perubahan negara ini sebenrnya tergantung sama kaum2 intelektualnya mis mahasiswanya. bener2 menambah semangat patriotisme dan nasionalisme.

4. Great setting, Great scene

5. Very fixed soundtrack. i love this "Donna Donna"'s song

6. Nicholas Saputra plays the the very strong character succesfully

7. kelemahanya apa ya? mungkin konflik nya kurang greget kali? but overall, cukup proporsional kok

I agree about the idea that Democracy is like a belief or religion. i think it's true! kata "Demokrasi" yang berarti pemerintahan oleh rakyat, untuk rakyat dan bagi rakyat itu masih seperti sebuah kepercayaan, cita-cita atau lebih tepatnya sebuah "konsep ideal" yang walaupun byk orang yg tau, tapi belum banyak yang merealisasikannya (apalagi di negara kita ini).
mungkin hal ini disebabkan oleh sifat dasar manusia yang emang gak pernah bisa berbuat adil dan selalu mementingkan ego/kepentingannya sendiri.

Dulu, bebrapa kali gue diajak untuk jadi aktivis kampus, ikut organisasi ini itu, ukm kayak grup pecinta alam bahkan gue udah ampir masuk organisasi politik dan ukm kesenian. tapi in the last minute I changed my mind.

masih banyak ormas2 mahasiswa yang tujuan sebenarnya adalah "membela kepentingan rakyat" tapi pada pratiknya, kepentingan golongan juga yang dituju.
banyak aktivis yang mengaku "benci akan kemunafikan dunia" tapi secara sadar/ngga sadar para aktivis2 itu juga munafik!
ngakunya membela kepentingan rakyat tapi kenyataannya? gak jauh2juga dari kepentingan politis.

kalo kita udah ngomongin politik, gak akan pernah ada abisnya. politik itu kotor, jahat, kejam. makanya gue memilih untuk gak involve dengan organisasi2 politis.
seandainya ada manusia idealis zaman sekarang yang benar2 mau membela kepentingan rakyat. sumpah gue salut!
tapi kenyataanya? dunia ini emang penuh kemunafikan.
sosok Gie itu mungkin bisa ditemukan satu dari sejuta orang di dunia ini. sosok yang emang peduli, care, sayang dan benar2 mengabdi sama bangsa ini.

I salute the movie and the main character!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Memories just memories

Have U ever find your self back to the past?
It's funny when U realize that the memories u have just left as memories. they left deep foot-prints in your life. but we can never turn it back again

Well, this morning i have nothin much to do, then i checked my mails archive and i found sumthin really beats my heart...
one of my best friend made a website for indonesian's youngsters who lives in Helsinki. we had this kind of community named "Indojomplang". I can't believe it was 3 years ago!

We had such a tight friendship to each other. we always meet every single day we live there! it's mostly like in the "friends" series u kno? it mite be becoz of the fact that living in Helsinki is like u live in such "dreamworld". the life there was 180 degrees different compare to the life here.

There is no such problems like "i dont have no transport" or "let's not meet there, it's a way of traffic jam!" or any problems about fixing times to meet.
The thing is that U just can never imagine, how life could be that simple
and as time goes by, u just realize that u have once expreince it.

Those 3 years mean really sumthin to me, i miss the old days wth my bestfriends, i miss the spring, the summer, the autumn and even the worst winter in a northpole, i miss playing snow wth them, went to 24 hours cruise, sunbathing in Hietsu, and do all the crazy stuff,

I miss the good, the happy, even the sad memmories ive spent wth them.
but we all kno, memories just memories, the past is just the past.
infact, i guess we should never take anything for granted coz we're all always makin memories each and every day of our lives.

check out this old website

and this photo album