Saturday, July 16, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
Sleeping Beauty

Ism't HE cute? to be noticed here, HE is a boy. although sumtimes people wonderin how he could be so "pretty"? especially when me and my cousin put sum make-up when he was slepin heuhu
U kno What i see when I look at my adorable nephew was slepin?
Peacefulness and freedom... man, i wish i could turn back time, to the time when i was pure and flawless
i'ts weird sumtimes...
hmmm... it's weird to realize that all the adjectives used in this "TIny" universe is actually subjectives matters... so what are the objectives then? am i living out of no truth?
what's the point of living then if we've never had sumthin to rely on?
i believe in destiny, i believe in karma, i believe in love, i believe in god, i believe, i believe, i believe...
isn't it true, that all the beliefs we hold are the only truth left ?
and all the things out of our beliefs system are sumthings we recognize as "non-sense" matters?
sumtimes, i wanna be a spiritual person. at least for my own happiness and for something that i can rely to face this world...
let's imagine, how if u are one of them? u dont need to seek happiness, happiness seeks u... coz u'd see that this whole world is actually just a temporary matter and there is sumthing eternal out there...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Before Sunrise and Before Sunset
i love these movies..."before sunrise" and "before sunset"
there r sum conversations i'd like to post here... i dunno but these movies bring so much freshness in my mind...
it happens when jesse and celine didnt meet after 9 years separated... well, they would actually but celine's grandmother passed away in time when they planned to get reunited.
Jesse: Oh, God, why didn't we exchange phone numbers and stuff? Why didn't we do that?
Celine: Because we were young and stupid.
Jesse: Do you think we still are?
Celine: I guess when you're young, you just believe they'll be many people with whom you'll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times.
Jesse: And you can screw it up, you know, misconnect.
Celine: The past is the past. It was meant to be that way.
Jesse: What, you really believe that? That everything's fated?
Celine: Well, you know, the world might be less free than we think.
Jesse: Yeah?
Celine: Yeah, when given these exact circumstances, that's what will happen every time: two part hydrogen, one part oxygen, you get water every time.
Jesse: No, no, I - I - I mean what if your grandmother had lived a week longer, or, you know, or passed away a week earlier, days even. You know things might have been different. I believe that.
Celine: You can't think like that, it's ...
Jesse: No, I mean, I know you shouldn't on most things, but - It's just, on this one it seemed like something was off, you know
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
weight issues
i can never understand how does weight become such popular issues in many woman's life? in most places i've been, there is always an attractive advertisements about "how to lose weight in 10 days", "eat more, work out less and LOSE", "6 ways to look thinner"and blah blah blah... while they organise thinny skinny women pictures besides the main title . just to aim their main purpose which is "how to become one of them? " a part of society that is in a way shows us that "being thinner is more attractive than being FAT"
i dont understand how the media can cultivate such thoughts and views to its society in such enourmous way? but sumhow, i guess ive bcome one of them who worry about it so much... even when am down, i put my happiness according to "how much my body's scale is"... it's truly not an exxageration ... when my weight gain high, i intend to put my happiness lower... it always been like that...
sumtimes i wonder, y do we have to live if our happiness only depending on "how people will see us?"OR are we become a part of society that fears of reality? a part of society that fear to others and even to ourselves? if we could just listen to our hearts voice... we may understand what truly makes us feeling happy nor unhappy ... instead of blaming society for all its "rules"
are connecting wth me?
finally made it...
this blog finally have been created at 10.10 pm on july, 13, ive always wanted to make my own, but i dunt really have time to make it... now i've got holiday from july,8 to sept of sumthing (havent figured it out yet). means it would have been a lie if i said i dunt have time to make this such simple blog...hehe
anyways, i swear i dunno what to write now... this blog is about my other perspectives of life (mite be weird, awkward, obvious, beautiful at sum point ) it's all depends on which side of perspective do u see it... just to notice here, we 're all just uniquely individuals created thou...