This blog is about a different perspective of life, since anyone in anywhere have their own insight, thoughts, experience, so do opinions. i'd like to chain sum of mine together and share them with U...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The fact that people are afraid and anxious...

We've been livin in this world with so many people with different races, cultures, backgrounds, personalities around us. we meet, communicate, interact, and watsoever u call it.. we always have our perspectives to face our own life and so do they. the point of this is that we are always born uniquely different from others.
but one thing that will never distinguish us from others is that the fact that we always have fear about something. even if we look so strong, confident, or super duper "wow". fear have always been a part of human nature.

Many people feel afraid easily, especially when it comes to goin into society, meet new people, strangers, even friends sumtimes. in certain occasion, there are people who looked "so-cool", calm, self-controlled, or people who have a highly self- confident aura. many womens look glamorously stylish sitting around in sum parties, calmly drink her wine, smoke ciggaretes. til we questioned ourselves "she looks so confident and very calm". yet, we never know that they suprisingly think opposite than we always thought... like "are they gonna think why i am always alone? if i were attractive, why have i never had a good lover or a good friends accompanying me? my breasts are to small...I wish i could lost 3 pounds... I wish i could be as smarter as my sister... I wanna go to the toilet but everyone seemed lookin at me... if that guy come aproaching me, i'd be suckered! and bla bla bla"

Even for a man, they see a bussiness man and think "he's a deadly succesful man!". while, the bussiness man looking at himself and feel anxious about his biggy tummy or his red nose. and complaining why he had never be able to speak with his children, why he's always sad about losing his money, wealth etc"

Don't u think it's funny? we see others and assume that they have got everything. WHILE they assume us that we've got everything. we live in a fear of others, WHILE others live in a fear of ourselves!

I guess the root of all these fears come from our thought that "OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT THINK WE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH!." i believe dat everyone in everywhere always have that kind of thought that "I am not good enough".
besides, fears of others will cause misunderstoodness. for instance; when we meet our old friends that we have lost in touch with, we fear to begin the conversation first. remembering the facts that we've never been close to them before. then we start to make conclusion and judgement about how they are being boastful, arrogance, unfriendly and so on... while they don't even meant to be like that. and finally, both of us make our own negative judgements toward each other acts

Gue rasa sangat sedikit orang yang punya kepercayaan diri yang sesuai dengan penampilannya. when we look ourselves in the mirror, we might not seem scary towards ourselves. Infact we are ALL agitate others. We make people nervous and anxious in certain way. becoz basically each of us always have feelings of insecurities within ourselves.

I guess being "brave" is about having a courage to battle our own fears. to be "brave" doesnt mean we are not afraid of anything. yet it is about tryin hard and making effort to fight against our own fears.

do u aggree with me?

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Between what we say and do

There is a saying like " things that we say is like a sharpen sword, it could protect u or, kills u at the same time"

My life is fulfilled with colours, and each colours coloured each moments i have.
in most circumstances, i make a connection to people around me by the words i say and by the ear i listened. so do people around me.
in my young age rite now, i kno that i'vent known much things about life, trust, understanding, acceptance, what's alerting, what's good, what's bad. sumtimes i even feel that i'm too naive in most circumstances.
often, i think too positively about people around me. that people are basically nice, that they wont hurt anyone (altough i see criminals news at most times, i always think that the crime they commit is actually an "out-of-nowhere" part of them which unconciously commit. besides that, i always change my remote control to some infotainments hehe)

well, Basically, i feel that i'm being too naive sometimes. even to some people who have betrayed my life in the past. i still keep the trust on them. that they wont do such things again. anyways, i'm not talking about how many people have commited a crime in my life nor if sum people have stolen anything from me. hell no.
here's i'm talking about people around me. some people who are very good in making statements, making comments to other people's bussines, making their judgement to wards anything they see, people who makes drama in their life but they just never realize it, people who pretends that their life is better than anyone else's life, basically, people that shows envy to others by making a very distracted opinion towards others without ever being asked.

i always agree to the idea that people always have their own life and no matter how awkward their life is, no matter how people talk about them in so many ways, and no matter how non-sense their life is. maybe the best way we can do is to let them live their life in their own way. sumtimes it's better to be silent. except if we're being asked to speak. and to make judgement or opinion towards one's life doesn't always prove that our life is better than them.
in this kind of society, it has become everyday life's issues. indeed people who exactly knows better are people who go through to the situation and live it.

maybe the best way we can react is to prove what we say by the things we do. replace them with concrete acts, words are just words, but in the end, action involve all the good qualities in life.