Miguel's Farewell

Wednesday, 26/07 Day 1
Me, Mary, Sadit, Citra, Agi, Wedha, Yayie, Anggi, Galih, Miguel (My Mexican friend) went to Dufan from 11 am to 8pm, we play up almost all the playthings coz there wasn't many people at dat time. it was fun! it didnt take much long to play each of the games, after that, we came to stayed over in Citra and Yayie's house in Jatibening
Thursday, 27/07 Day 2
We prepared to continue the trip to Bandung, by that time, Raka came with us, and the trip starts from 11 am, In Bandung, we walked around Dago for a crazy shopping, I bought a pair o shoes in Heritage, and the others got their stuffs to buy, we finished shopping a 7Pm. then we seek for cheap foods. like my friend Raka said "cheap food coud taste good coz they're cheap. but the expensive one never taste good especially for this kind of long trip" hehe.
as we waited for Agi, Citra and Yayie, we went to some valley where there was cozy restaurant where we coud sit and straight our legs and get relaxed
Agi, Citra, and Yayie came at 11 Pm and we straightly went to Agi's house to stayed over at.
Friday, 28/07 Day 3
I slept at 4 am and woke up at 9am (the second one who woke up after Galih!)I was so hungry, so me and Raka walked up around the cottage to find a breakfast, coz the place to eat was too far, then me, raka and galih decided to went by the car.
i came back to Agi's house and all the guys + Yayie played soccer near Agi's house.
we continue to go after "Sholat Jumat". The next factory outlet we visit was "Cargo" and I bought a Jeans there. then the trip to Mega Mendung continued after Maghrib and after we went to buy some cakes and Drinks in "Kartika Sari","Jesselyn", etc.
it took almost 3 Hours to get to Mary's Village in Mega Mendung. we got there around 11pm. Icha, Sasha and Eja came later. some of us watched Tv, the others played cards, chats etc
the house was pretty big, it was like a lampung board house, made by a jati wood, and the wide of the park was about 3000m. at nite, some of us went to downstairs (at the park), spreading a floormat, counting the falling stars, singin thru the sparkling nite
i stayed there from 3am - 4am, then when the air starts to freeze, i moved back to the house earlier than some others did.
Saturday 29/07 Day 3
I woke up at 9am, the second one after Galih (Again?!) after all the guys woke up, they played soccer outside the house. except for Miguel and My brother, Sadit hehe
while they play soccer, i took my time to take shower, the water was bloody cold i swear! in mary's village, we spent most of the time by sitting around, chats, play guitar, and just chilin.
in the afternoon, Me, Icha, cisund, mary cooked a fried chicken for our lunch (well althou the food didnt taste like "KFC" nor "Suharti", nobody complained and ended up empty plates anyways hehehe)
at nite after Maghrib, we continued the trip to Sasha's Place in Pamulang. therefore there was 2 cars made convoy. the first car, there was Galih (Riding), Cisund, Miguel, Me, Icha, Wedha and Sasha. while the second car there was: Eja (Riding), Yayie, Mary, Anggi and Sadit.
while Raka, Citra and Agi when to Jakarta ealier.
we got in to Sasha's house at 8.30 pm. then an hour after that all of us prepared to go to Retro's club in Crowne Plaza hotel. and there the farewell party held. there was probably around 20 people came wth us.. it was a great R n B party!
Sunday, 30/07 Day 4
Me, Sadit, Mary, Anggi, Wedha, Miguel, and Cisund stayed over in Otto's apartment in Taman Rasuna. i guess from all of the houses we've been to, i've got the coziest sleep there (or mite be coz i was so tired?)
at nite. we came to watched "Miami Vice" in plaza Bintaro. that was the worst ending of the day, i swear!. the movie was terible and the place was freakin hot. my crazy friend, Wedha even opened up his shirt coz it was too damn hot! (i'd guess they corrupt the money til they can't afford an AC or sumthin??)
my brother asleept in the first hour, the movie was.... monotonous, boring and it was more like a documentary movie than a hollywood made damn!
Well, even tho we've got apretty bad ending, i guess that doesn't change the fact that no matter where u go, whether the place was most likely teribble (fortunately it wasnt terrible at all), it always depends on whom u go with. and how do u enjoy it!. i swear the trip was one of the best trip i've experienced (After 3 years ago, when we went to Stockholm together.)
well, I just wanna say good bye Miguel! hope u'll remember us and will be comin back again next year!... good luck in your life! we are all gona miss U!
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