This blog is about a different perspective of life, since anyone in anywhere have their own insight, thoughts, experience, so do opinions. i'd like to chain sum of mine together and share them with U...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bersyukurlah engkau

Bersyukurlah engkau, sewaktu mendengar bunyi weker di pagi hari..

itu tandanya kau masih hidup

Bersyukurlah engkau, sewaktu dimarahi orangtuamu...

itu berarti kau masih punya orang tua yang memperhatikanmu

Bersyukurlah engkau, sewaktu bertengkar dengan temanmu...

itu berarti kau punya kesempatan untuk meminta maaf

Bersyukurlah engkau, kalau ada yang membuat gosip tentang dirimu...

itu berarti banyak orang yang peduli padamu

Bersyukurlah engkau saat bajumu mulai terasa kekecilan...

itu berarti kau masih cukup makan

Bersyukurlah engkau, sewaktu engkau patah hati:/

itu berarti kau punya kesempatan untuk memperoleh cinta yang baru;>

Bersyukurlah engkau, saat harus belajar sampai malam karena besok ujian...

itu berarti kau masih punya kesempatan untuk kuliah

Bersyukurlah engkau........

(Got this from someone's blog.. If u think deeply, i guess they are true... :) life needn't always to be understood, but it's necessary to be grateful with)

The question just get elaborated

What is up with J-town?!

When i checked friendster, i often see (Location: J-town) what the hell is up with this word. J-town?? y cant it be just jakarta or watsoever...
no offense, but does it called so just to make it looks so "cool"?

I dont try to offend anyone here, but in general, gue suka mikir orang Indonesia tuh kenapa yah selalu berusaha memamerkan apa yg mereka punya, baik itu materi ato harta, skill, bahkan partner alias pacar sendiri pun harus yang keliatan "keren abis"...dan menjadi kan hal2 tersebut sebagai STATUS SOSIAL.

Begitu juga dalam dunia maya sekalipun... In friendster for instance people try so hard to show others that they are so "cool", that they are so "gaul bangetZ" and blah blah blah. actually, i'm not envy them. but sumtimes i just fed up with people here yang melihat seseorang hanya dari apa yang "keliatannya" aja... kenapa sih??
ok, mungkin gue terlalu sensitif dan merembet kemana2. tapi ini realitas yang emang sering gue hadapi dalam dunia sehari2...

Bahkan untuk mencari teman sejati pun sekarang susah banget. teman ato tepatnya sahabat yang bisa diajak berbagi, tulus mau berteman tanpa melihat dari golongan ato status mana dia... teman yang ngerti kalo seseorang bukan dinilai dari luarnya aja tapi juga personality nya. selama dia enak diajak brteman, nyambung, bisa saling toleransi, kenapa sih musti ngeliat embel2nya? u kno a true friend?

Selama gue balik ke indo, kadang gue merasa muak sama orang2 yang berusaha ngedeketin orang lain cuman supaya kelihatan "cool", "keren", "gaul". kok plastik alias palsu bgt sih?? segala yang kita punya, kita pakai dan kita tunjukkan seakan mencerminkan dimana status sosial kita berada...makanya byk bgt yg jor-joran pengen nge nunjukin bahwa mereka "lebih" dari yang lainnya. Dari mulai soal Hp keren, mobil, gaulnya dimana, sampe urusan temen ato pacar... penilaian seseorang seakan begitu penting dalam hidup kita. well, maybe it's the matter of the situation, the place and the culture we live in :(

The only best friend i kno was just my loveliest friend, Dana from the far distance. she is a Srilankan who lives in finland rite now. we are from different culture, religion, a totally different taste of music, guy, lifestyle and the lists jut go on and on... yet those differences make our friendship even stronger. i miss her so much... she's the only girl i could talk comfortably besides my mom...
and the greatest thing that we tolerance each other differences and also we understand each others qualities (not only physically nor materially off course)! that's what makes us get along well, even till now.

As if everyone in this whole world could see the quality of people and not just what they have. maybe this world would look more beautiful, don't u think? no showing off, no envy, no arrogance.
ah gue cuma bisa berangan2 aja...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

When my weakest part tells

There are many lines like being "Single and Happy" or " Single and Faboulous" or watsoever... sumtimes i wonder how can people enjoy bein single? rite, ive wrote, "i wanna be alone sumtime" and blah blah blah... maybe for a moment i feel that way... but sumtimes when i found my self sitting at my home, real alone, i'm just questioning my self "what the heck am i doin?! is it how it feels to be alone? is it all dat i want to be "single and happy" and FABOULOUS?"

Life is such a disaster whn u realize dat u dont love neither loved by anyone u kno? (well, family and friends are exceptional off course). it's not dat im havin no activities for this holiday u kno? i've been tryin to make my self busy all the time... doin this, doin that and so on... but when i found my self alone, i found ....*nothin*. at the end, i'm just gettin tired of everything...

Do u think that it mite be the state where everyone hav 2 pass after they broke up wth sumbody? or is it just me who is too fragile about anything?
i can't live like this u kno...i shouldve been grateful to what i've got, mourning is just such a waste...i need to get my self UP. i guees nobody could ever pick me up but me, my self...

man, do i sound pethatic? well, maybe i am rite now... :(

Sunday, July 24, 2005

on weekend

I just came from my cousins village in mega Mendung. I was there on friday and cameback here on sunday

On saturday, there was a really big family gathering. there was almost thousands people were there. ok, I kno u mite questioning how the amount of people could reach that big.
here's the story: My cousin just got a newborn baby, so he celebrated the 40th day of the newbirth baby (which is my nephew, named sasha) the celebration day is commonly called "akikah" (that's y my big family were there). and at the same time, my uncle from kapolda invited more than hundreds of people around the place to provide sum foods, money etc for charity.

There was many many people i didnt know, they came from everywhere (not just from jakarta or around the village but also from lampung, Bogor and so on) fortunately, I'm pretty close with my cousins (mite be because we are all from the same ages.
on saturday nite, at 11pm, we went to a nice restaurant called "sumthing" (i forgot) near puncak. there was me, otto, yuli citra, yayie, and her driver. we went there to eat poffercheese.
It feels comfort to be with them when u actually feel real cold u kno? im not just talkin about the weather but also what is inside that feels cold...
ok, if i could ask, have u ever feel super duper lonely when u're placed in crowds? or have u ever feel very sad and weak when u're in the place where u need to be seen strong and "happy"? those questions mite answer abit about what being "cold" means for me here. yet, a smile is just a smile

That nite i stayed over in the the other main village which was supposed to be rent for my uncle from kapolda. vilanya berbentuk sperti rumah panggung (which all made by jati wood). di dalamnya lengkap ada dapur, 2 kamar tidur, ruang TV, dan 1 kamar mandi. me and my cousin, citra slept in a cozy room where it was supposed to be for om firman and his wife. well, it's too bad they went home and how lucky we were hehe
anyhow, the house was finely ventilated so that u can really feel the natural fresh air comes from outside. and the greatest thing is that the house has the greatest natural view than ever! from the cabin, U can view the small green garden which is belong to the house. and across the garden, there was sum other villages and the green trees unfold. the landscape was beautiful. at nite, cuma ada lampu-lampu kecil yang terlihat.

for a moment, i could pretty much throw away my lonely feeling. at least i could somehow realize that things are not that bad. angin tetap berbisik, lampu-lampu tetap menerangi malam, hewan-hewan masih bersua, manusia terlelap dan terbangun. subuh masih mengeluarkan azannya. malam terus berganti pagi. life goes on and on and maybe, what i need is to be alone sometime...