This blog is about a different perspective of life, since anyone in anywhere have their own insight, thoughts, experience, so do opinions. i'd like to chain sum of mine together and share them with U...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

There is no such place like......

i've been to many places, been to many countries, many cities.. ive seen lotsa faces, lotsa beautiful views, georgeous scene but still... there is no such place like...

I remember 2 years ago, i lived in a place that anyone would say a "heaven made in a world" maybe i'm just a lil bit exaggerating it. yet, i guess it's near true...
i lived in "a thousands lake" country, located in a northen of europe, where u can experience 6 months of a winter's time, 2 months of a spring time, 2 months of a summers, and another 2 months of an autumn's time.
i guess the country was different from ony other places i've visited, Finland is a very quiet place... I think those who wants to find peacefulness, security, and tranquility should just go there...

I lived there for 3 years, due to my uncle's and my dad's work... my uncle was the ambassador of Indonesia in Finlandia, fortunately, we lived in such big and cozy house called "Wisma". there were 11 people lived there... two families, and two servants.
wisma is such a huge house. there were 3 floors, and 1 basement with swimming pool, sauna, and jacuzi in it. there was also a 24 hours internet and a cabel tv...
besides that, if u wanna hang around u dont really need a car (although the government has actually provided 3 cars in wisma), yet the easiest way is that u can just go out by walking, biking (if it's a summer time), took a bus, subway, and tram (the best thing is that there is "a months ticket" u can always buy in a cheaper price.

even all the delicious foods, the bath's equipments (such as soap, shampoo etc) was regularly provided freely every months.
other than that, our house placed in one exclusive location there. behind the house, u can always see a georgous sunrise/sunset appeared in such beautiful lake. when the winter comes, sum people often skiing in an exquisite fully white snow scenery.
often, when i was walking to my school or walking to sum other places, i thought of how i supposed to be grateful to be placed in "an another dimension of the world" where the miracles of white snows sparkes through the darkness of winter. i thought of how goergous scene god have created the world

when the spring and the summer time comes, the flowers began to blooms everywhere, the cheerful faces appeared. and when the sun brings the warmth, sum "bule's" often sun-bathed in the lake side. (i remember in the second floor's of our house, me and my brother would love to spy the nudes through binocular)hehe...while others were playing ball, swimming, gathering together with the cheers and the laughs on them
well, basically, it could be anyone's dreams to live there...

as time passes by, the moments remained to be beautiful memories. which every moments always left a deep footprints in my heart. the friendship i had with my indo's and bule's friends, school memmories, the feeling of tranquility, or even the loneliness and the sadness feeling i sumtimes felt there... still, always remained as part of my beautiful memmories.

when i came back to Indonesia, i began to realize that no matter how peaceful and beautiful Finland is, no matter how Paris georgeous is, or no matter how amazing Moscow, Stockholm, Brussels, Holland, America etc's are.
there is still no such place like my HOME... there is still no place as lovely as my HOME, as georgous as the scene of my green garden,as warm as the gentle breeze outside my house and as comfortable as sleeping in my own bed room.

often i'm dreaming that someday and somehow there is someone i could call "my hommie". well, maybe that's the time when i'll describe my future soulmate...
coz, sometimes no matter how far we go, the best place to return is the place where we always belong to... HOME.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Catatan seorang filsuf, seniman dan mistikus.

Kahlil Gibran tentang Pikiran dan Perasaan

Jiwa selalu menjadi medan pertempuran. ditanah inilah pertimbangan berperang melawan perasaan hati dan dorongan nafsu. seandaianya saja hatiku dapat menjadi pendamai di dalam jiwamu sehingga mampu mengubah kericuhan persaingan unsur-unsur menjadi gubahan kesatuan dan keindahan lagu.

Tapi apa dayaku jika kalian sendiri tidak ingin menjadi pendamai diri kalian sendiri, dan mencintai segala unsur-unsur kalian yang ada di dalam diri.

Akal dan Perasaan adalah kemudi dan layar bagi jiwa yang sedang mengarungi lautan kehidupan. jika kemudinya patah kalian akan tumbang dihempas gelombang, dan layarnya patah kalian masih bisa mengambang tapi diam membeku tanpa tujuan. Pikiran yang sendiri mengemudi adalah tenaga yang menjebak diri, sedangkan perasaan yang tak terkendali bagaikan api membara yang menghanguskan diri. karena itu, ajaklah perasaan kalian menghormati akal pikiran, meraih puncak-puncak getaran kebenaran sejati - keduanya menciptakan keseimbangan.

Biarkan jiwa kalian membimbing perasaan dengan akal pikiran, sehingga perasaan itu tetap hidup dengan setiap kebangkitannya dan laksana burung phoenix membumbung tinggi, dari abu pembakarannya sendiri.

Jagalah pikiran dan perasaanmu, sebagaimana kalian memperhatikan dan menjamu dua orang tamu terkasih yang sedang berada dalam naungan rumahmu, kalian tidak akan memuliakan yang satu diatas yang lain, sebab jika mengecewakan salah seorang berarti akan kehilangan kasih dan kepercayaan dari keduanya.

Ketika kalian duduk diantara pepohonan dan hijau perbukitan sambil memandang luas padang di kejauhan, biarkan jiwa kalian berbisik dalam hati: "Tuhan berdiam diri dalam pikiran."

Dan ketika badai mengamuk di rimba belantara, petir dan halilintar menggelegar di angkasa, maka biarkan hati kalian mengucapkan kata-kata takjud "Tuhan bergerak dalam peraaan."

Dan karena kalian adalah nafas tuhan, pucuk daun pepohonan rimba tuhan, maka juga kalian pun hendaknya tenang berdiam dalam pikiran dan bergerak dalam gelora perasaan.