This blog is about a different perspective of life, since anyone in anywhere have their own insight, thoughts, experience, so do opinions. i'd like to chain sum of mine together and share them with U...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The question just get elaborated

What is up with J-town?!

When i checked friendster, i often see (Location: J-town) what the hell is up with this word. J-town?? y cant it be just jakarta or watsoever...
no offense, but does it called so just to make it looks so "cool"?

I dont try to offend anyone here, but in general, gue suka mikir orang Indonesia tuh kenapa yah selalu berusaha memamerkan apa yg mereka punya, baik itu materi ato harta, skill, bahkan partner alias pacar sendiri pun harus yang keliatan "keren abis"...dan menjadi kan hal2 tersebut sebagai STATUS SOSIAL.

Begitu juga dalam dunia maya sekalipun... In friendster for instance people try so hard to show others that they are so "cool", that they are so "gaul bangetZ" and blah blah blah. actually, i'm not envy them. but sumtimes i just fed up with people here yang melihat seseorang hanya dari apa yang "keliatannya" aja... kenapa sih??
ok, mungkin gue terlalu sensitif dan merembet kemana2. tapi ini realitas yang emang sering gue hadapi dalam dunia sehari2...

Bahkan untuk mencari teman sejati pun sekarang susah banget. teman ato tepatnya sahabat yang bisa diajak berbagi, tulus mau berteman tanpa melihat dari golongan ato status mana dia... teman yang ngerti kalo seseorang bukan dinilai dari luarnya aja tapi juga personality nya. selama dia enak diajak brteman, nyambung, bisa saling toleransi, kenapa sih musti ngeliat embel2nya? u kno a true friend?

Selama gue balik ke indo, kadang gue merasa muak sama orang2 yang berusaha ngedeketin orang lain cuman supaya kelihatan "cool", "keren", "gaul". kok plastik alias palsu bgt sih?? segala yang kita punya, kita pakai dan kita tunjukkan seakan mencerminkan dimana status sosial kita berada...makanya byk bgt yg jor-joran pengen nge nunjukin bahwa mereka "lebih" dari yang lainnya. Dari mulai soal Hp keren, mobil, gaulnya dimana, sampe urusan temen ato pacar... penilaian seseorang seakan begitu penting dalam hidup kita. well, maybe it's the matter of the situation, the place and the culture we live in :(

The only best friend i kno was just my loveliest friend, Dana from the far distance. she is a Srilankan who lives in finland rite now. we are from different culture, religion, a totally different taste of music, guy, lifestyle and the lists jut go on and on... yet those differences make our friendship even stronger. i miss her so much... she's the only girl i could talk comfortably besides my mom...
and the greatest thing that we tolerance each other differences and also we understand each others qualities (not only physically nor materially off course)! that's what makes us get along well, even till now.

As if everyone in this whole world could see the quality of people and not just what they have. maybe this world would look more beautiful, don't u think? no showing off, no envy, no arrogance.
ah gue cuma bisa berangan2 aja...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh well, that's what friendster's for.. isn't it? and that's why i choose to stay away from it.. it's somehow alienating given the fact the everybody else seems to love it, but i feel fine =/

btw, thank you to make me realize that i'm not the only one who think the same things about indonesian on fs

11:50 AM

Blogger Tiara said...

Hehe nice to have the same opinion and thoughts. yet, i signed up friendster just to help me to keep in touch with my old friends and to look for some new friends in.

I noticed that the function has changed abit for sum people. especially for sum people who might not recognize 50% people in their friend's list hehe

Although i fed up most of the time, i keep thinkin maybe it's not wrong to give them sum slack to be way "popular" in a cyber world hehe

9:05 AM


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