This blog is about a different perspective of life, since anyone in anywhere have their own insight, thoughts, experience, so do opinions. i'd like to chain sum of mine together and share them with U...

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Just "came back" from the past...

I just came back from Bandung from friday till sunday... wat a nice and also a tiring trip
i went there with a bunch of my friends from Finland and sum of my cousins and my bro:
Galih, Anggi, Citra, Yayie, Indah, Otto, Sadit, Cisund, Agi, David (Galih's relative.)
then i realized that we just went back from the past... to the precious moments we've been experienced in Finland, the 24 hours cruise, Sweden's trip or even just hang around in down town.

On Friday: Gue, mary, Otto, Indah, Sadit cabut dari Bintaro (rmh Mary) jam 21.30 WIB. kita konvoy 2 mobil sama mobilnya David. sampe sana sekitar jam 23.30 WIB.
terus ketemuan sama Cisund ( whose just arrive to Indo 2 weeks ago.. I couldnt believe we've been separated for more than 2 years!), terus kita makan dipinggiran.. dan baru sampe rumah Cisund, di Batununggal jam 01.30 malem.
rumah Cisund kebetulan kosong, bokap nyokapnya masih tugas di Finland. malem itu, gw tidur jam 02.30 malem (gk ikutan yang laen begadang smp tlalu pagi hehe padahal itu mah juga udah pagi yah?!)

On Saturday: gue bangun jam 10, makan di Dapur Sunda baru jam 12. after the lunch time, then the long f.o's haunting trip begins. from 13.00- 15.30 there was about 6 f.o's we entered, anak2 pada mencar berburu dan berburu teruzzzz..
jam 15.30 kita ngumpul lagi, ketemu sama Yayie yg baru nyusul dari Jakarta krn harus ikut uts dulu. setelah itu,kita lanjut ke Babe.
setelah berpusing2 ria ngeliat baju2 dll, kita makan sebentar di pinggiran deket rumah Cisund. dan setelah maghrib baru deh sampe di rumah Cisund.
At night, jam 20.30 everybody got ready to go out. we went to The Valley, a very romantic place for couples with worst service.... wakakka i mean the view was real nice for couples! and never ask about the damn slow service huh!
setelah itu, kita tiba di rumah cisund kurang lebih pk 24.00. the funny thing is that all the couples sleep first. and all the non-couples sat around, singing, play guitar , etc til 03.30 in the morning! there was Me, my bro Sadit, Galih, David, Yayie, and Cisund.

On Sunday, I woke up at 10. i guess from that time i began to sick. i lost my voice, flu abis deh. kita ngga ngabisin waktu lama2, setelah mandi, packing dll, kita berangkat dari rumah jam 12.00 dan makan di Batagor Riri , met mba Bulan (one of my cousin), Luma and Arya (my friends from Finland and Germany), went to the next f.o called Cargo and the last visit was Kartika Sari.
Gue, Otto, Sadit, Citra, Yayie
balik dari Bandung jam 16.30 dan sampai jakarta sekitar jam 18.30. nganterin my cousins; Yayie dan Citra pulang di daerah Jatibening dan sekalian makan malem di rumahnya.
sampe rumah jam 21.30. dan ternyata di rumah lagi ada sepupu gue, Ali dan istrinya lagi mampir. alhasil kita ngobrol2 dulu sampe malem. dan gue baru bisa tidur lelap sesudah gue nulis blog ini.

What a tiring day... but im very grateful becoz we are at last reunited again, came back from the past, and still carry on the most precious friendship we've always had.
loads of love


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